NetDocuments Cat Detector (NCD) on the Microsoft Power Platform – available now!
Are people wasting space in your NetDocuments cabinets by securely storing and sharing pictures of cats?
Thankfully, we have the solution to prevent this blatant abuse of company resources.
NCD (aka CatBot) is a process robot that will wake up late at night, sift through all images saved in NetDocuments that day, and use AI to detect cats in any of them.
CatBot will email you or the Risk Team if it finds any, so you can take action immediately the next day.
I built CatBot from scratch(!) in less than 2 hours – including training the AI. I’m blown away by how easy and powerful the platform is; the possibilities are endless.
The NetDocs connector alone is capable of over 35 actions. There are hundreds of connectors available.
Power Automate’s in-built AI Builder has models that categorise documents, extract data and detect objects (such as cats).
There are other bots I *could* have made for NetDocuments, of course – tasked with managing workspaces, folders, security and users and stuff like that.
But cats are trending, and I sense an untapped gap in the market. Also available: puppy add-on.
Contact us for pricing.