Revolutionising Multi-Tasking: Introducing Picture-in-Picture Mode to Power Automate Desktop

Power Automate Desktop just got “Picture in picture” mode.

To understand the value of this, you need to understand what ‘attended automation’ means in RPA.

Attended automation is when a user runs a desktop flow and it takes over the machine, clicking around and entering data as if it were the human doing it.

The user is “in attendance” watching the bot do the work. Or they could be playing video games.

Either way, nothing else can be done on the machine because Power Automate Desktop is using it – all you can do is watch or walk away.

Well, picture in picture changes everything! 📺

“Power Automate enables you to run attended desktop flows within a virtual window that replicates your desktop, so that you can continue working on your machine while the automation is running in parallel.”

Power Automate Desktop continues to level up.

Read more here.

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